Front End/Graphic Design Projects


A geographical representative search finder

Role Software Programmer, UX Designer | Team Jose Santos, Ibrar Aslam | Timeframe 12 Weeks | Tools React, Firebase, Figma


Problem Statement

Many individuals are often informed of who holds office at the national and state level yet aren’t aware of officials holding office at the county and city level near their respective location. We intended to design a readily available solution in allowing users to search and find officials who represent them based on their address


Front End/Interface Approach

We iterated our design in order to understand how to deliver our information. We wanted our users to be simply guided to their respective information regarding officials who hold office when searching from their respective address.

We partly did a UX approach so that we can grab an enhanced understanding in the context of our audience so that we can create a significant and impactful project for our client

We then built a proper and concrete foundation of our project whilst using plain JavaScript at first and then we revitalized the project and gave it another breathe of fresh air by programming it in React


User Research

After conducting an online survey asking participants whether they have knowledge of who currently holds office at the national, state, county, and city level. In conclusion, around 72% of participants do not know who their political representatives are at the state and local level.

RepFinder is a front-end web development AND user interface development project that registers geographical addresses to locate, search, and retrieve information on elected officials depending on the filer and address the user sets.


User Personas


We curated these personas to understand how we would like to deliver our information for the audience to receive it effectively



After several sketches and iterations of brainstorming, we came up with a few solutions to address this problem including creating a hybrid wheelchair that implements a built-in GPS system with our software along with automatically transporting the user from point A to point B.

Our second best solution came down to creating a multi-platform application that allows a user to map a customized route depending on your accommodations for the best convenient route possible.



This project challenged my abilities in working and implementing API frameworks with front end web development fundamentals in JavaScript React.

Graphic Design


The World of EDM Infographic

An Infographic highlighting the significant aspects of the world of Electronic Dance Music

This project helped solidified my creativity and design skills with Adobe Illustrator as it challenged my direction and skills in order to create appropriate pieces of content that helped represent visual potential.

As a result of this piece, I was able to accurately understand various types of visual potential (numbers, location, relationship, time) and their proper use and significance in order to get my point across in my own style and creativity

Joed Concept Art/Video
